There are many health reasons to have a furnace and humidifier work together to improve your comfort at home. Cracked skin. Irritated sinuses. A scratchy throat and itchy eyes. Dry air is a common source of discomfort at home, and can contribute to a variety of respiratory problems and increased allergy symptoms. With average Canadians spending up to 90% of their time indoors, according to the Canadian Lung Association, poor ai quality is a real concern all year round. Problems increase in winter, however, because when air is heated, its relative humidity drops. Not only that, low humidity in the air makes the temperature in your home feel colder, which can lead to you turning up the heat even more, needlessly increasing your heating bill.
Here are the top 4 benefits to having the proper humidity in your home:
1. Moisturizing your skin
As we mentioned, dry air in your home through the winter can leave your lips chapped and your skin tight, dry and itchy – particularly on your hnds, which have fewer oil glands and which you tend to wash more frequently, causing further drying. A humidifier can help keep everything smooth and moist.
2. Protecting your furniture
Too little moisture in your home can cause wood to split and crack, leading to damage. Maintaining a healthy level of humidity helps maintain your lungs and your furniture.
3. Controlling static electricity
Static electricity and the nasty shocks you get, most often in the winter when you touch your furniture or other people, are worsened by dry air. A humidifier can help reduce static electricity.
4. Hydrating your plants
Many of the indoor plants we love the most originated in humid, tropical climates. Indoor air, especially in winter, doesn’t provide many plants with the humidity they need to thrive. If your plants’ leaves are getting brown at the tips or they’re dying altogether, it may have nothing to do with your green thumb. It may be a sign you need a humidifier.
The benefits of whole-home humidifiers
A whole-home humidifier can be a great option for keeping your entire living space comfortable, as well as helping lessen breathing problems and many of the issues above. To help you make an informed decision before purchasing a unit, here are a few important benefits of installing a whole-home humidifier:
Less work
A whole-home humidifier only needs to be cleaned once or twice a year. Whole-home humidifiers are attached directly to your home’s water supply, so you don’t have to constantly check and fill water reservoirs, like on smaller room humidifiers.
Increased home value
Naturally, potential homebuyers place value on a property that’s equipped with an up-to-date HVAC system – a whole-home humidifier may increase that value. Additionally, a humidifier can provide the right amount of moisture to prevent damage to wood floors, fixtures and furniture that results from air that’s too dry.
Improved indoor air quality
A whole-house unit monitors your home’s humidity level, adding moisture only when it’s needed and limiting the humidity to the setting level you select. Many room units, on the other hand, don’t have regulators to stop the humidification process when the proper humidity level is reached, often resulting in over humidification. Too much humidity can lead to mould, mildew and dust mites. Humidifiers also help prevent dry and itchy skin, eyes and nasal passages, thereby improving your family’s comfort at home.
Lower energy and operating costs
A whole-home humidifier is integrated into your household water system, so you never need to purchase expensive distilled water that is required for some room humidifiers. Installing a whole-home humidifier may also increase your home’s energy efficiency. Moist air feels warmer than dry air, meaning you’ll feel warmer at lower temperatures and can keep your thermostat at a lower level on chilly nights.
Beyond regulating the humidity in your entire home, do you need to add extra humidity to a particular room? A portable humidifier might be what you’re looking for.
Frequently Asked Questions About Whole-Home Humidifiers
Do I need a whole home humidifier with my furnace?
If you find the air in your home during winter to be dry and uncomfortable, then a whole home humidifier that is connected to your furnace system, could be a good solution for you. A whole home humidifier allows you to increase the relative humidity in your home, adding moisture when it’s needed.
Can I install a whole home humidifier myself?
It is recommended that a whole home humidifier be installed by a professional HVAC technician.
What is relative humidity?
Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the air and relative humidity, or RH, is a percentage that reflects the amount of water vapour in the air compared to the maximum possible at that temperature and pressure. Health Canada recommends that the relative humidity levels in your home should be kept below 50% in the summer and usually between 30-35% in the winter,1 however, the recommended percentage may vary based on actual outdoor temperature.
Does a furnace humidifier cause mold?
Increasing the humidity too much could lead to condensation on surfaces as well as inside your home’s walls and foundational structure that cannot be seen. This could lead to mold growth as well as an increase in mites in your home.
If you have condensation on your windows, this is an indication that the humidity in your home could be too high.
What should I set my humidifier to in the winter?
The relative humidity in your home should vary with the temperature outside. The colder the weather, the lower your relative humidity should be. Health Canada recommends keeping the relative humidity in your home in the winter between 30-35%2.
How can I tell if my whole home humidifier has stopped working?
If your home is unable to maintain your desired relative humidity levels, it could mean your whole home humidifier is not functioning properly and it may be time to call for an inspection.
How often should I change my humidifier filter?
The humidifier filter, also known as the evaporator pad, should be cleaned or changed at least once a year. It is possible that you will have to change it more frequently if the humidifier is operating a lot or due to other factors.
What happens if I don’t change my humidifier filter?
Your humidifier could run less efficiently, or it could develop a leak if mineral deposits block the flow of water.
Should I turn off my humidifier in the summer?
It is not necessary to turn your humidifier off
What humidity should my house be?
Health Canada recommends that the relative humidity levels in your home should be kept below 50% in the summer and usually between 30-35% in the winter, however the exact percentage will depend on the actual outdoor temperature.
Can a whole home humidifier help my respiratory symptoms?
If you have a respiratory infection or virus, managing your home’s humidity levels could help alleviate respiratory symptoms. While humidifiers do not remove viruses from an indoor environment (in your home), they could impact the duration viruses are suspended in the air and therefore potentially decrease your exposure to them.
According to Health Canada, low humidity levels may provide an appropriate environment for the survival of some types of viruses. By managing the humidity levels in your home, you could reduce the survival of some types of viruses present in your home.
Can a whole home humidifier help with static electricity problems?
Relative humidity levels below 30% could lead to an increase in static electricity. A whole home humidifier could help eliminate those surprising shocks!
Did You Know?
Too much humidity in your home can cause its share of problems, too. When moisture levels are too high, condensation can form and that can lead to the spread of mold and mildew as well as promote the growth of dust mites.
Also remember, different humidifier models offer different features and settings. Depending on the weather and humidity conditions where you live, the model and settings you choose may vary.
A Reliance Home Comfort Advisor can offer you advice, answer any questions you may have and help you choose the humidifier that’s right for you, your home and your budget.
For even more great information about Indoor Air Quality and Air Purification, be sure to read our Ultimate Guide to Indoor Air Quality.
*Source for humidity information Government of Canada.