Reliance’s Alignment with UN’s Sustainability Goals
Reliance is committed to making a positive impact on people and our planet. We chose six UN Sustainable Development Goals that most closely align with our own ESG targets and where we believe we can make the most meaningful impact.

No Poverty
Reliance contributes to better lives for people and communities through our support of the United Way and its 5,000 agency partners, Habitat for Humanity and several other organizations that address social inequality.

Good Health and Well-Being
Reliance reviews health and safety policies and mental health and wellness practices annually and provides mandatory safety training for team members throughout the year to ensure they Work Safe, Be Healthy.

Gender Equality
Reliance has established targets and programs to increase female representation and success across the organization, including the launch of Lean in for Tomorrow (LIFT), an internal women led group that supports, inspires and empowers our female team members to achieve their full potential.

Clean Water and Sanitation
As part of Reliance’s Green Products suite and solutions portfolio, our water purification, water filtration and treatment solutions provide affordable access to cleaner water for homeowners and businesses, reducing the need for single-use plastic water bottles.

Reduced Inequalities
Reliance is taking steps to ensure our workplace reflects the communities where we operate through partnerships with community organizations, establishing gender and ethnicity diversity targets, implementing DE&I training and inclusive hiring practices.

Climate Action
Reliance continues to monitor our vehicle activity/fuel consumption, idling, and to retrofit our service vehicles with hybrid-electric technology to reduce emissions. Our recycling, parts harvesting, as well as carbon offsets, help our customers play an active role in reducing their carbon footprint.
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